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18 tips to prevent hair loss.

 18 ways to prevent hair loss in men ! Save bald boys and girls!

My Health Diary:

Hair loss makes many people miserable. Every morning when I comb my hair, I see a lot of hair falling out. When I wash my hair, I grab a lot of it. Even when I blow dry it, it falls like fallen leaves.

In fact, the main reason for hair loss is that blood cannot be supplied to the head. The blood in our body will first supply our limbs and brain to function normally, then the internal organs and digestive system, and finally the hair which has no function.

Therefore, in addition to looking at the face and mental state, how a person's blood are can also be observed by observing whether the hair is dark, thick and shiny.

1. Protein supplement

Protein is the most important nutrient supplement in the body, especially complete protein, which is good for hair growth. Therefore, you should eat more fish, shrimp, aquatic products, poultry and livestock meat, eggs, milk and soybeans, so as to grow good hair.

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2. Drink more This

Beat black dates, black rice, black beans, black sesame seeds, and walnuts into soy milk, add a small amount of sugar, or add them to your daily diet and cook according to your preference. Drink it regularly and your hair will be black and shiny.

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3. Do not go out with wet hair

Going out before your hair is dry can easily be contaminated by dust in the air, which can easily clog pores on your scalp and cause hair loss. After washing your hair, it is best to dry your scalp with a hair dryer at low temperature, and then let your hair dry naturally in the shade. This can not only prevent the growth of bacteria on your scalp, but also prevent high Temperature from damaging your hair.

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4. Control the frequency of washing your hair

It is recommended to wash your hair every other day for oily hair, every two days for normal hair, and every 2-3 days for dry hair. Choose a weakly acidic shampoo.

5. Eat more celery, coriander and broccoli

Clinically, experts often recommend patients to eat more celery, coriander and broccoli, because these three foods have anti-androgen effects and can help prevent baldness. Experts say that baldness, medically known as androgenic alopecia, is the most common hair loss phenomenon in adult men and is mostly caused by a combination of excessive androgen secretion and genetic factors.

  Studies have shown that celery, coriander, and broccoli have relatively good anti-androgen effects. Therefore, while treating hair loss, eating more of these foods can help inhibit androgen secretion. Men with a family history of hair loss should eat more of these three vegetables before they lose their hair.

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6. Use cleaning and care products correctly

When using shampoo, make a lather with your hands, and then do not apply it directly on the hair. The correct method is to apply it 2 cm away from the hair root, so as not to irritate the scalp. The hair mask can also close the hair scales. Use a hair dryer. Also blow it semi-dry if possible or let it air dry naturally.

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7. Change the direction of combing hair

If the direction of combing your hair remains unchanged, the areas where the hair is separated will appear particularly dry or thin due to frequent exposure to sunlight. If the separated area begins to become thinner, you should massage it after applying hair cream or oil to moisturize the already dry scalp. Sometimes you might as well change the direction of the parting, not only to enjoy the fun of hairstyle, but also to avoid the dryness of the parting, which may cause baldness.People with thin hair are best to have a head massage. People with thin hair or baldness who are troubled by head massage are best to have head massage to promote blood circulation. Massage can make hair soft, increase metabolism, and promote hair development. The massage method is to rub or tighten the hair with your fingers. Before massaging, apply hair oil on the scalp to enhance the effect.

8. Eat a good breakfast

Hair is primarily made of keratin, a substance that makes hair stronger. If you consume too little protein (red meat, fish, eggs, and chicken), it can affect your keratin levels, causing your hair to become brittle and stop growing. From the perspective of improving hair follicles, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Therefore, men should pay attention to eating a good breakfast to prevent baldness.

9. Comb your hair often

After washing up in the morning, allocate 10 minutes to comb your hair. You should comb your hair attentively and carefully, touching every position of your head, including the front, back, left, and right, the hairline of the forehead, and the area around the ears. Comb forward and backward, using a little force to make your scalp feel tingling and irritating. Pay attention when combing your hair, don't do it perfunctorily, and complete the task of combing your hair in the morning carefully. Men can keep a small comb by their side at any time. After taking a break at noon, they can use the morning combing mode to massage the scalp and stimulate the acupoints on the brain, which can also wake up the brain.

10. Do not use strong degreasing or alkaline shampoos

This type of shampoo can easily dry your hair and cause scalp necrosis. You should choose natural shampoo according to your hair type. Everyone's physical condition is different, which leads to different hair quality. Some people's hair is prone to oil, so they need to use an alkaline shampoo to clean the oil. Therefore, you must understand your hair type and choose a shampoo that su its you, so that you can effectively prevent hair loss. Use less styling agents. Many hairsprays and other styling products contain high alcohol content. Long-term use will absorb moisture from the hair and make the hair dry. Use them as little as possible in spring.

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11. Massage scalp

Every day before going to bed and after getting up the next day, insert the fingers of both hands into the hair and rub the scalp from the forehead through the top of the head to the back of the head for 2 to 4 minutes each time. Regular scalp massage can improve scalp nutrition, regulate sebum secretion, promote scalp blood circulation, and enhance local metabolism. Use a boxwood comb or a bristle brush to comb your hair, which can not only remove dandruff and increase hair luster, but also massage the scalp and promote blood circulation.

12. Be careful when perming or blow-drying your hair.

The heat of a hair dryer can destroy hair tissue and damage the scalp. It is not advisable to perm your hair too many times, as the perm solution will have a greater impact on your hair and seriously damage your hair's vitality.

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14. Exercise appropriately

Ensuring sleep and exercising can help relieve stress and improve one's own immunity, and adequate sleep can promote normal metabolism of skin and hair. The metabolic period mainly occurs at night, especially between 10 pm and 2 am. During this period of sleep, Sufficient, it can make the hair metabolize normally. On the contrary, if the metabolism and nutrition of hair are out of balance, hair loss will occur. Suggestion: Try to sleep no less than 6 hours a day and develop the habit of regular sleep.

15. Eliminate mental depression

Mental instability and anxiety can lead to hair loss. The deeper the depression, the more severe the hair loss. The more stressful your life is and the busier your work, the higher the chance of hair loss. Therefore, the daily routine should be regular, ensure adequate sleep, learn to relax, and reduce psychological stress. Regular deep breathing, walking, and exercise can eliminate mental stress.

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16. Not su itable for direct exposure to the sun

Hair loss is closely related to external environmental factors. In summer, the sun is strong and ultraviolet rays irradiate the head directly. The thermal radiation will strongly stimulate the skin of the human head, causing hair damage and loss. Therefore, in summer, you should protect the skin from causing hair loss. Protect your hair from sun damage like sunburn. In summer, you should avoid direct sunlight on your head and spend less time in the sun. When going out, it is best to wear a sun hat or hold a parasol.

17. Wash your hair frequently

The best interval is 2 to 5 days. Rubbing and massaging while shampooing can promote blood pressure circulation in the scalp and ensure adequate nutrient supply. If the water temperature is too high, it will cause the scalp and hair to dry. It is recommended to wash your hair with warm water around 39°C, and then rinse the hair with cold water. This can close the hair scales and protect the hair. Wiping your hair vigorously with a hard or non-absorbent towel can easily rub your hair. You can use a clean old cotton T-shirt to gently pat your hair to absorb moisture, and then let your hair dry in the shade.

18. Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption

Smoking constricts scalp capillaries, thereby affecting hair development and growth. Excessive alcohol abuse often leads to gastrointestinal diseases, affects the absorption of proteins, vitamins and minerals, thereby affecting normal hair growth.

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importance:Those of you who have serious hair loss must practice the above methods seriously, especially go to bed early, exercise moderately, eat more protein, reduce the frequency of hair washing and wash your hair in the correct way . Finally, I hope we all have dark and thick hair. We become more beautiful and handsome.

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